More about us. Our history.

The Charm of Linkkumylly

One hundred years ago Taavi built a house next to the mill his father had constructed. The site was beautiful: the lake in front, the pond at the back and from the pond flowed the little stream by the house into the lake. The rising slope from the lake became a lush garden, all this surrounded by the peaceful wilderness. Even today visitors can enjoy the same views, hear the same rumbling stream and feel the same comfort that Linkkumylly provides.

Nature in Mäntyharju is grand and beautiful. The silence of the forests and lakes set the scene for a unique experience in the outdoors. Linkkumylly is located on the Mäntyharju-Repovesi national park route. The northernmost entrance of Repovesi is situated around 15 km from Linkkumylly and the Mäntyharju church is located 14km away.

You can stay with us all year-round, but the summer and fall are our most active seasons. The yearly exhibitions, summer book café and concerts commence in the 20th of June 2019.

The surroundings are suitable for outdoor activities all year-round: the vibrant fall, glistening winter, fresh spring and active summer all offer opportunities to get to know nature and experience great adventures.

Welcome to Linkkumylly,

Ari Soikkeli & Leila Jaskanen



A brief history of Linkkumylly:

A mill was constructed on the estate in 1850. Taavi and Elsa then built the main house and the shore sauna in 1890. By the 1960’s Lankkumylly had been abandoned and its condition deteriorated. The estate was sold in the 1980’s and became an active restaurant and accommodation provider for locals and visitors. The owner changed again in the 2000’s and the name Linkkumylly became widely used. This is when the exhibitions and concerts first began.